Open Script
MQL Library (622792 line breaks)
Download a file throught FTP
# Download a file throught FTP #;

#Create the script to download;
script create post "" false 1 
  	(var "[remoteDirectory]" {true} "The remote directory" is_null:false is_empty:false "/Users/jimmitry/Desktop")
  	(var "[filter]" {true} "The file filter from the remote directory" is_null:false is_empty:false "*.png")
  	(var "[localDirectory]" {true} "The local directory" is_null:false is_empty:false "/Users/jimmitry/Desktop/ftp")
  "Download file through FTP" 

	try {

		#Connect to the FTP server;
		ftp connect "session1" {cm get "demo_cm_ftp";};
		ftp set type "session1" "BINARY";

		#Move to the remote directory;
		ftp cd "session1" [remoteDirectory];

		#Get all remote files;
		json load "files" (ftp ls "session1" [filter]);

		#Get all files;
		-> "[nbFiles]" (json count "files" "/");
		for (-> "[i]" 0) (< [i] [nbFiles]) (++ "[i]") {

			-> "[filename]" (json select "files" (concat "/[" [i] "]/name"));
			ftp get "session1" [filename] (concat [localDirectory] "/" [filename]);

		#Disconnect the session;
		ftp disconnect "session1";
	} {
		#Close objects;
		try {ftp disconnect "session1";} {} "[sub_err]";

		#Generate an error;
		exception (1) ([err]);
	} "[err]";
} "Return nothing";

#Execute the script;
execute ""
	"[remoteDirectory]" "/Users/jimmitry/Desktop"
	"[filter]" "*.png"
	"[localDirectory]" "/Users/jimmitry/Desktop/ftp"

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